Knelson Gravity Concentrator

World-leading gravity concentrator

Since 1990, Consep has been the exclusive representative of the Knelson Gravity Concentrator for the Australian and South East Asian markets. Following FLSmidth’s acquisition of Knelson Concentrators of Canada in 2011, Consep has maintained a close partnership with FLSmidth’s Precious Metals group. This relationship has enabled Consep to continue its representation of the Knelson Concentrator, reinforcing our commitment to providing leading precious metals recovery solutions in these regions.

  • Most efficient unit for free gold recovery.
  • Two models: Batch Knelson Gravity Concentrator (KC) and the Continuous Knelson Gravity Concentrator (CVD).
Solid black background with no distinguishable features or objects.
A few companies we’ve provided solutions for:

Knelson Gravity Concentrator at a glance

3000+ installations
Over 3000 Knelson installations worldwide
#1 in world
Unmatched performance with the worlds leading gravity concentrator
Sized to suit
Lab Scaled to 1000TPH capacities, a Knelson to suit any project
A blue outline drawing of a hand with the palm facing up, holding a shield that has a star in the center. The image conveys a sense of protection or security.
Robust and reliable
Maximising your recovery with minimum maintenance

Our solutions

Knelson Batch

The semi-continuous Knelson Concentrator combines centrifugal force with patented bed fluidization for efficient recovery of precious metals like gold, platinum and silver. Available in various capacities, from lab-scale to 1000 tph, it offers versatility. The Quantum Series (QS) represents the latest advancement, enhancing operability and efficiency, continuing Knelson’s legacy of innovation since 1978.

Knelson Batch

Knelson Continuous Variable-Discharge (CVD)

The Continuous Variable-Discharge (CVD) concentrator differs from the batch Knelson Concentrator by providing a continuous flow of concentrate. Unlike semi-continuous units requiring periodic halts for concentrate removal, the CVD processes fresh feed while discharging concentrate simultaneously, ensuring uninterrupted operation. Primarily used for bulk recovery of base metals and industrial minerals, CVD technology showcases its versatility and effectiveness across various mineral processing scenarios.
Cross-sectional diagram of an industrial machine, showcasing internal components like a central rotor and surrounding chambers. Features safety railings and platforms, with green and red structural elements.

Knelson Continuous Variable-Discharge (CVD)


A construction site featuring multiple large, cylindrical, green industrial machines, possibly water pumps or filtration units, positioned over rectangular pits in the ground. Some of the equipment is partially installed, and various tools and materials are scattered around.
Tangential introduction of water into the concentrating rings improves the distribution of fluidised water, avoiding rat-holing and dead spots, as it also allows thorough flushing of the unit without use of expensive and unnecessary variable-frequency drives.
Other products on the market face vibration problems if the feed is not diluted before entering the machine. However, you will never face this problem with Knelson concentrators. Refined unit design has allowed the unit’s center of gravity to be lowered and the machine load to be hung rather than supported from below, eliminating overall vibration.
Greatest capture area per unit capacity of any centrifugal gravity concentrator.
The product is designed to be easily accessible, with fewer parts and an automated greasing system. Unit internals are rubber lined to process abrasive material with ease and minimise wear. The design is built from high-quality materials. Stainless steel parts have been used to upgrade the latest design, offering you better value and longer service life.

Data sheets

Knelson KC-MD3

Knelson KC-CVD6

Knelson KC-MD7.5

Knelson KC-CVD20

Knelson KC-CD12

Knelson KC-CVD32

Knelson KC-QS30 (GX Cone)

Knelson KC-CVD42

Knelson KC-QS40 (GX Cone)

Knelson KC-CVD64

Knelson KC-QS48 (GX Cone)

Knelson KC-QS70

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