Consep Acacia

Complete Leach, EW & Detox modules

The Consep Acacia offers an all-in-one solution for enhancing gold recovery from gravity concentrates, like those from a Knelson Concentrator. This system features an up-flow fluidised reactor for leaching, designed for optimal solid-liquid interaction and maximised gold leaching kinetics without the need for mechanical stirring.

Consep’s engineering team has also designed efficient Electrowinning and Cyanide Destruction modules that seamlessly integrate with the Consep Acacia, catering to diverse project scales. Tailored to meet specific client requirements, these modules include solutions for the safe removal of hazardous, cyanide-soluble heavy metals from the leach solution, ensuring a safe and effective gold recovery process.

  • Typical overall recoveries in excess of 95%, often over 98%
  • Unblemished installation success rate
  • Unique design and process chemistry provide maximum availability, recovery and process flexibility for the life of a project.
A solid black square.
A few companies we’ve provided solutions for:

Consep Acacia at a glance

200+ installations
Over 200 installations worldwide
Illustration of three gold bars, stacked with one on top of the other two, and three sparkling stars around them, indicating their value and shininess. The entire illustration is done in a solid blue outline style.
98%+ recovery
Consep Acacias typically achieve over 98%+ recovery
Sized to suit
Lab Scaled to 15TPD capacities, an Acacia to suit any project
Blue outline of three interlocked puzzle pieces with a fourth piece positioned above, ready to be placed in the missing spot. The image symbolizes fitting pieces together to complete a whole.
Complete system
Complete Leach, EW & Detox modules

Our solutions


A large industrial machine with green metal frames and railings is situated in a spacious warehouse with high ceilings. Surrounding the machine are various tools, equipment, and materials including cables, boxes, and metallic components.
The Consep Acacia offers an all-in-one solution for enhancing gold recovery from gravity concentrates, like those from a Knelson Concentrator. This system features an up-flow fluidised reactor for leaching, designed for optimal solid-liquid interaction and maximised gold leaching kinetics without the need for mechanical stirring. Consep’s engineering team has also designed efficient Electrowinning and Cyanide Destruction modules that seamlessly integrate with the Consep Acacia, catering to diverse project scales. Tailored to meet specific client requirements, these modules include solutions for the safe removal of hazardous, cyanide-soluble heavy metals from the leach solution, ensuring a safe and effective gold recovery process.
The system enhances security by optimising gold recovery and minimising access needs. Its low-maintenance design reduces personnel required in the Gravity Leaching Plant. Fully automated sequences eliminate the need for regular operator access, enhancing security. With few personnel needing access, the system offers maximum security. Additionally, it enables precise daily metallurgical accounting for gravity gold production, ensuring accurate gold tracking.
In intensive leaching environments like gold rooms or refineries, safety is paramount. The Consep Acacia ensures a safe working environment by minimising human interaction through high gold recoveries, reliable automation, and low maintenance. With no moving parts and sealed tanks, it’s safe for indoor installation. The system also washes residual cyanide from tailings, reducing cyanide exposure risks for operators and maintenance staff. Its unique leach chemistry also eliminates arsenic exposure issues.

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