Tuyere Pyrometer

Converter temperature control

The Tuyere Pyrometer continuously and accurately monitors bath temperature which is required for proper flux and slag control to maximize refractory life. It is also a tool for predicting and detecting oxidation of FeS and CuS. When adjusting oxygen enrichment levels, accurate and immediate temperature control is needed.

  • Periscope is integrated into the raise-lower “Smart Cylinder” design
  • Interlocked with the Tuyere Puncher to ensure Periscope is never hit by a punch bar
  • Temperature range 1050 – 1400°C, Accuracy +/- 5°C
Diagram of a blue mechanical device with labeled parts, including a removable bolt, a new periscope, floating gland assembly, heavy-duty cylinder, and rotating push rods. Indicates use of visible and infrared light for easier maintenance.
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